Detección e intervención del consumo de drogas en menores de edad

Suara Cooperativa
Instituto de Salud Pública y Laboral de Navarra
Ayuntamiento de Premià de Dalt
La Institució de les lletres Catalanes
Agencia de Salud Pública de Barcelona (ASPB)
Casals Joves de Catalunya
Ajuntament d’Olesa de Montserrat
Ajuntament de Castellbell i el Vilar
Ajuntament de Torrelles de Llobregat
Santa Mònica


According to different studies, boys and girls begin to consume drugs between the ages of 13 and 15, and those who do so at this age are more likely to develop problems with drugs. How can we detect these early consumptions and how can we coordinate the agents of the territory to intervene and prevent drug dependencies? 210 city councils of the province of Barcelona pose these challenges.


Through a participatory process we have collected the knowledge and experience of the different agents and have collectively developed a flexible and practical guide  that offers recommendations and resources to the municipal technical teams to create detection and intervention protocols applicable to the reality of its territory. This document also seeks to promote coordination and strengthen the relationship of professionals from different spaces and services, in order to provide an effective and consensual response to the use of drugs in minors.