Spora Sinergies is a non-profit social initiative cooperative. Spora Synergies consists of six partners.
The Assembly of the cooperative is equal (50% men and 50% women) and is the organ in which the principles and values of the cooperative as well as its general strategy are considered.
The Governing Council is the governing body of the entity that collects the mandate of the assembly to deploy it in the operation of the cooperative. The Governing Council validates and regulates the Management of the cooperative
Master Degree in Psychosocial Research & Intervention (UAB)
Master Degree on Social Research (UAB) · Postgraduate on Bussiness Administration (UPF) · General Direction Program (IESE)
Master Degree on Social Research (UAB). Associate professor (UOC)
International Masters Degree in Executive Management & Administration. Postgraduate Degree in Cultural Enterprises (UOC). Postgraduate Degree in Advanced accounting and finance
Teacher at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) · Master Degree on Social Research (UAB)
Sociology (Università di Milano Bicocca)
PhD in Facultad de Geografía e Historia (UB)
Post-graduate studies in Human Rights (UOC)
Master Degree on Social welfare policy (UAB)
Master on Applied Social Research Techniques (UB, UAB & COLPIS)
Social Anthropology (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
PhD in Social Anthropology (Universitat de Barcelona)
Teacher (UAB)
Social Anthropology (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona )
Student in Accounting & Finances (UAB)
Degree in Sociology (UB)
Degree in Economics (UAB) · Master’s in Program and Public Policy Evaluation (UCM) · Master’s Applied Research in Economics and Business (MAREB) UAB
Social and Cultural Anthropology (UAB)
Master in Social Policy, Work and Welfare (UAB)