Training course on drugs

Instituto de Salud Pública y Laboral de Navarra
Premià de Dalt Town Council
La Institució de les lletres Catalanes
Barcelona Public Health Agency (ASPB)
Casals Joves de Catalunya
Ajuntament d’Olesa de Montserrat
Ajuntament de Castellbell i el Vilar
Ajuntament de Torrelles de Llobregat
Santa Mònica
Spanish Society of Documentation and Scientific Information (SEDIC)

Drugs Workshop addressed to health workers

Developpement of the training session “Effects of substances and psychosocial implications: alcohol, cocaine, tobacco, cannabis, synthetic drugs and LSD What do we know of each substance?”

It makes part of the drug monograph course: “Visions and reflections on drugs” (Health Program of the Autonomous Solidarity Foundation)