The Information and Assistance Services for Women (SIAD, according to its acronym in the original Catalan language) were initially deployed throughout Catalonia (Spain) in 2008, following the Law 5/2008 of the Right of Women to Eradicate Gender Violence, and after a process of territorial planning for 2008-2013. They are municipal or territorial services, providing information, assistance and advice on all aspects of women’s lives, and are the entrance gateway for the specialized assistance network that attends those women who are in a situation of gender violence.
After this period of territorial development, the Catalan Institute for Women (ICD, according to its acronym in the original Catalan language) asks for an external evaluation to Spora, in order to develop a diagnosis of those services and monitoring the different models of assistance services and determine its level of quality.
The specific goals of this evaluation are:
1. To analytically evaluate the key elements that drive quality performance of services.
2. To catalogue and typify the services.
3. To propose quality standards for the service improvement.