Premià de Dalt Town Council was faced with the challenge of drawing up a new Equality Plan to give continuity to and strengthen actions in the area of gender and equality policies from 2024 to 2028. The municipality had previously carried out an evaluation of the 1st Equality Plan, which showed a very positive assessment of the actions carried out by the Town Council, but that it was necessary to continue improving in some areas, such as designing actions that were feasible, realistic and sized according to the available resources; incorporating specific evaluation indicators that are easy to obtain for continuous monitoring and evaluation; and re-planning training on the gender perspective, among others. Likewise, taking advantage of this renewal, the need to incorporate the perspective of sexual and gender diversity is also on the table, with the aim that the new Plan also includes actions that promote the visibility of diversity, the defence of the rights of LGBTI+ people and the sustained fight against discrimination on the grounds of gender identity, gender expression or sexual orientation.
This is the context in which the II Local Equality Plan of Premià de Dalt has been drawn up, which seeks to contribute to the promotion of equality and the eradication of sexist violence in the municipality, guaranteeing that all people can express themselves and live in safety and freedom.
The II Local Equality Plan of Premià de Dalt has been carried out through a process in which the main agents involved in the Town Council, the citizens and entities and facilities of the territory have participated.
The Plan is divided into two sections: