GenderCat Report. Gender Mainstreaming in the Public Administration

Premià de Dalt Town Council
La Institució de les lletres Catalanes
Barcelona Public Health Agency (ASPB)
Casals Joves de Catalunya
Ajuntament d’Olesa de Montserrat
Ajuntament de Castellbell i el Vilar
Ajuntament de Torrelles de Llobregat
Santa Mònica
Spanish Society of Documentation and Scientific Information (SEDIC)
Montornès del Vallès municipality

The GenderCat Report is the result of a research that has helped define methodologies and processes of gender mainstreaming in public policies. The GenderCat Report takes as a reference the work developed by the European Network on Gender Mainstreaming (GenderCop) regarding the creation and evaluation of standards that have been set up at European level. But in this case, the analysis moves the focus towards the elements that facilitate or hinder the development of these standards in the Catalan territorial context. And for this purpose, we have selected three pilot of analysis for various departmental projects of the Government of Catalonia:

  • “Entrepreneurship Network” driven by the Department of Enterprise and Knowledge
  • “Cornellà Security Plan”, with the support of the Department of Interior
  • “Innogent” driven by the Department of Government, Public Administration and Housing

The research has raised the analysis of three specific projects that act as case studies. The aim has been to understand how each of these projects incorporates a gender perspective in their actions, to detect both the individual logical operations of a specific project and those that are part of the overall functioning of the government. Since the fieldwork cases have departed an approach to the main theoretical contributions in the field, the case study has also allowed finding and contrasting some of the assumptions that are currently raised from the academia around gender mainstreaming gender.