Functional Diversity in Castelldefels. A participatory diagnoses

Premià de Dalt Town Council
La Institució de les lletres Catalanes
Barcelona Public Health Agency (ASPB)
Casals Joves de Catalunya
Ajuntament d’Olesa de Montserrat
Ajuntament de Castellbell i el Vilar
Ajuntament de Torrelles de Llobregat
Santa Mònica
Spanish Society of Documentation and Scientific Information (SEDIC)
Montornès del Vallès municipality

Participatory Diagnosis of the care strategies for people with disabilities in Castelldefels

Due to the development of the new Municipal Plan for the attention to disability, the Castelldefels City Council, with the support of the Barcelona Provincial Council, launches an assessment of the needs of people with disabilities in the municipality.
This diagnostic is intended as a reference tool for the new Municipal Development Plan for Disability Care 2015 – 2019. The diagnosis collects and sorts the voice of the people interviewed to serve as a guide to the future Plan. From the contents displayed on the diagnosis, the iexpertise based on the experiences of the main social agents of the municipality is made available for the development of the new Plan of Care Disability: people with functional diversity, family and professionals.