Framework Document for Intercultural Action Plans of Barcelona Districts

Barcelona City Council

The Interculturality and Religious Pluralism Area of Barcelona City Council requests the preparation of a working document that provides key information for the design of the Intercultural Action Plans of the Districts (PAID) of Barcelona, based on the systematisation of the information generated in the processes of preparation and monitoring of the PAID of Ciutat Vella, Sants-Montjuïc, Eixample and Horta-Guinardó.

Spora analyses and structures the information available on the PAIDs drawn up to date, and prepares a summary document that identifies:
– the technical and methodological specifications that facilitate the elaboration of these plans;
– the elements that favour the incorporation of the intercultural perspective in the work of the District teams involved in the process of designing the PAIDs;
– the challenges of the drafting process and the future governance of the plans.