Design of tools for monitoring strategic actions, Santa Mònica

Santa Mònica


The Santa Mònica Art Centre wants to carry out an orderly monitoring of the actions it carries out and their results, in coherence with the operational objectives established in its work planning. For this reason, it wants to have tools and methodologies to improve the collection of information on the actions carried out that will enable those in charge of the Santa Mònica to analyse the results obtained. Specifically, the Centre is interested in collecting, systematising and analysing information on the actions of two strategic lines:


  • It is considered a priority to have quantitative and qualitative tools to measure the experience of the audiences of the activities carried out in the space, and the intensity of the participation of these people in the centre’s proposals.


  • The aim is to protocolise the monitoring process of the centre’s creative actions, so as not to lose information on the creative processes and to homogenise the information contained in the experience reports.


Spora has designed the tools, indicators and sources of verification necessary to know the degree of achievement of the centre’s objectives, as well as the public’s perception of the activities it offers, and a system of governance and internal monitoring for the two strategic lines envisaged. Protocols and tools have also been designed for the systematisation of information on the artistic experimentation processes promoted by the Centre.