Collaborative Action Network (XAC)

Barcelona City Council


The socioeconomic situation of the Sant Andreu district is below the Barcelona average according to the level of family disposable income per capita, which increases the social risk factors associated with different areas such as housing, labor, socioeconomic, educational, health, exposure to critical life situations.

Faced with this reality, the Mental Health Board of Sant Andreu detected a special difficulty in the professional teams when attending and carrying out interventions with families in the district, especially in the Besòs area. These difficulties are not related to the socio-health situation of the families, but to the limitations encountered by the professional figures when interacting with the families or with other services that are intervening.


Creation of a methodology that proposes a new way of acting at the professional level, to address highly complex cases in an alternative way. The Collaborative Action Network (XAC) allows, on the one hand, to improve care for families and, on the other hand, to promote coordination between the network services involved, establishing a joint action plan that places families as central agents of change.

The XAC performs casework based on 3 criteria:

  • That there are at least 3 services involved in the case.
  • That the services detect problematic situations in different areas (health, social, and/or educational).
  • That the services involved perceive a situation of blockage.

In this way, the methodology creates common objectives shared by all the professional teams involved with the family. In turn, the family also defines or validates the agreed objectives.