Coexistence Committees

Provincial Government of Barcelona


Barcelona Provincial Council has begun to work on municipal problems related to coexistence. Thus, the creation of Coexistence Committees was proposed as a transversal space to align the interventions of the different professional figures working in the public space. The public space is understood as a place where citizens relate to each other, which is currently being over-regulated: for this reason, through the Coexistence Committees, Barcelona Provincial Council wishes to promote a participative and community-based work proposal, aimed at mediation and conflict resolution to intervene in coexistence problems.


Spora designs and methodologically dynamizes the work sessions of the Coexistence Committees of the municipalities of Abrera, Igualada and Sant Feliu de Llobregat. To accompany the roundtables, Spora proposes a participatory methodological approach, generating in each of the municipalities a heterogeneous technical space for participation, which facilitates collaborative work between figures from different fields, for the analysis and formulation of responses to situations that affect neighborhood coexistence. In addition, Spora designs and dynamizes the work sessions of the Working Space for technical managers of the Coexistence Commissions of 10 municipalities in the province of Barcelona: this space aims to create a space for analyzing the functioning of the commissions, detect their difficulties, limits and potential, develop strategies for improvement, and reinforce the figure of the technical manager of the commission.

Picture: Jilbert Ebrahimi