Campêche – Tapis Rouge (Haiti): Urban Planning for the Neighbourhood

Casals Joves de Catalunya
Ajuntament d’Olesa de Montserrat
Ajuntament de Castellbell i el Vilar
Ajuntament de Torrelles de Llobregat
Santa Mònica
Spanish Society of Documentation and Scientific Information (SEDIC)
Montornès del Vallès municipality
Ivàlua – Institut Català d’Avaluació de Polítiques Públiques
City Council of Valls
Vilanova i la Geltrú City Council

Campeche is one of seven districts in the neighborhood of Carrefour-Feuilles (Port au Prince, Haiti), which experienced considerable devastation following the earthquake of January 2010. The zone is marked by poor living conditions -even before the earthquake-, serious problems of access to safe water and sanitation, and a lack of road connections to surrounding neighborhoods and the rest of the city. Moreover, even the home access is difficult and hampered by two ravines that cause a great threat to human lives.

Three years after the earthquake, at the beginning of the project in this area of ​​about 6,912 inhabitants, 290 buildings were classified as severely damaged and must be destroyed; there were about 269 people living in “shelters”; and about 73 homeless families were temporarily living in temporary tents. In addition, the area included one of the largest IDP camps in the city: the Tapis Rouge camp.

In this context, the American Red Cross has launched a range of interventions to help the rehabilitation of the country and improve the lives of people after the disaster. The LAMIKA program was among these interventions, a pilot program aiming to improve those neighborhoods (“Lavi Miyo Katye Pa’m Nan Nan” in Creole), which takes place in eight districts of the Carrefour-Feuilles area (Port au Prince, Haiti), one of the most affected areas by the earthquake in the capital.

This comprehensive program aims to improve the living conditions of the neighborhood, addressing the needs related to housing and the status of the land, water and sanitation, health, disaster risk reduction and livelihoods.

The LAMIKA program design included the development of a planning study for the area of ​​Campeche to structure and plan projects that lead to the overall improvement of the area: ” The Master Plan for the Rehabilitation of Campeche/Tapis Rouge.” It was precisely the WE-SPORA Group who took the charge of the development of this strategic plan, which aims to develop a clear long-term vision, and articulate the full development of the urban area of ​​Campeche, including priorities population on strategic interventions. It is part of the implementation of the program as a component LAMIKA urban development.

In this sense, organizations and active citizen representatives (ASEC) of the neighborhood were involved to seek their participation in the changes that are happening in your neighborhood. We have worked together with the community, so their vision, review and advice have been incorporated into the development of the study and its results. This active participation has helped to develop a debate on the priorities of the residents and the design of the 2020 vision.

Meanwhile, the various ministries and Haitian institutions are developing master plans and strategic lines to frame the main sectoral policies. These general and specific guidelines have been linked to the sectoral development actions and proposals raised by the study.

Also, the mayor of Port-au-Prince, as well as all the institutions, are recomposing and taking the direction of development of the city, especially through the design of the general guidelines for the development of urban space. Therefore, this management plan should be part of a framework of institutional validation of the relevant bodies of the Government of Haiti to ensure the consistency of its application to the strategic policies of each sector and the legal and judicial framework of Haiti. This Management Plan must follow the directions and recommendations of the Interministerial Commission for Planning (CIAT) in relation to the phases of urban planning and integrated in the broad management of the city of Port au Prince.