Analysis and Follow-up of mental health GUIA Teams (2021-2023)

Government of Catalonia (Spain)


The Government of the Generalitat, through ACORD GOV/138/2018, of November 20, establishes the Program for the comprehensive management of complex mental health cases, coordinated by the Department of Health.

The aim of the Program, in coordination with the Integrated Plan for the Care of People with Mental Disorders and Addictions and the Mental Health and Addictions Master Plan, is to achieve more effective care for all the agents involved in the mental health field in cases of high clinical, judicial, educational, ethical, and social complexity, in terms of prevention, assistance, well-being, rehabilitation, and social integration of people with such disorders and their families.

By 2021, the PAICSAMAEC prioritizes prevention and early detection by deploying resources to care for the adolescent and young population (12-25 years old) with mental health disorders and addictions, exhibiting disruptive behavior and social impact, through the creation of territorial teams called Community Intensive Care Teams for Complexity (GUIA).

The Department of Health of the Generalitat of Catalonia has decided to launch an evaluation that collects the main results of the GUIA Teams program in order to detect potential needs or proposals for change.



An analysis and follow-up of the implementation and results of the GUIA Teams has been carried out. The analysis of the implementation has served to assess the extent to which the program has been deployed as planned and the coherence between these.

For the analysis of results, evidence has been sought on the changes the program has generated among its recipients, in this case, the individuals who had been using the GUIA Teams for over a year or who had already been discharged.

To carry out the analysis and follow-up, the indicators registered by the different GUIA Teams throughout Catalonia regarding their activities have been primarily used, as well as the results of the scales that complemented the HoNOS and HoNOSCA registry. Additionally, a set of indicators from the Minimum Basic Data Set (CMBD) has been selected to conduct the pre-post analysis of results.


Serhii Tyaglovsky foto at Unsplash