State of the Mental Health Situation in Youth Homes in Catalonia

Casals Joves de Catalunya


The Catalonia Youth Homes Federation is starting a project to carry out an analysis of the situation regarding mental health and stigma in the 32 self-managed youth homes in the territories of Barcelonès, Llobregat and Vallès- Osona. This analysis focuses on the fight against stigma and discrimination on the grounds of mental health that the Casals de Joves de Catalunya want to activate to promote mental health in their centers.

One of the key elements to having good mental health and recovering from a mental disorder is not being discriminated against. Unfortunately, people who have or have had a mental health problem experience situations of stigma and discrimination. These prejudices and negative social behaviors are a source of illness for people.


A quantitative study is carried out to analyze the state of the mental health situation in the Youth Homes of Catalonia. To do this, a holistic view has been taken in which an attempt has been made to grasp all these elements that have to do with mental health: well-being, social support and stigma and discrimination.