Update of the internal planning on migration and reception, Sant Cugat City Council.

Sant Cugat del Vallès City Council


The Sant Cugat City Council needs to review and update the internal planning of its Migration and Reception area for the coming years, particularly with regard to the incorporation of policies to promote non-discrimination and equal treatment.


Through the activation of a technical driving group, Spora leads the design of the new planning document for the area, as well as the design of indicators and monitoring tools for its implementation. More specifically:

  • An online form is designed for the identification of needs and the formulation of proposals in relation to the policies on immigration and interculturality of the municipality, aimed at entities of the municipality.
  • 5 working sessions with the driving group were organized in order to review the axes, objectives and actions included in the previous planning document, identify new proposals for actions, order them and prioritize them.