The Children’s and Adolescent Network of the district of Les Corts distric (XIALC) wants to strengthen itself with a technical secretariat that helps to enhance networking between the different services that make it up. This technical secretariat would have the task of enhancing the community work of the XIALC with a double intention. First, to give a collaborative contextual framework to the case work that is carried out in the territory from the XIALC. Second, promote the collaborative action of XIALC networking.
Together with the Social Services Directions of the district of Les Corts, Spora elaborates a set of dynamics and participative processes within the XIALCs work framework with the aim of drawing up a state of the situation of the psychosocial needs of children, adolescents and young people from Les Corts district. In the same vein, work sessions continue to be held with the XIALC to promote action proposals and networking between the different entities and resources that make up this community space.