RESPECT ME: Prevention of sexist behavior in the workplace

Ajuntament de Tarragona


After implementing the Respétame Campaign in the context of nightlife and party spaces in Tarragona, the City Council is interested in extending the campaign to prevent sexist behaviour in the workplace.

In order to adapt and implement the campaign to this new field, it is necessary to carry out, in the first place, a diagnosis of the needs and good practices of the private sector, in relation to the prevention of sexist behaviour in the workplace. Secondly, the graphic campaign has to be adjusted to this new context.


Combining different social inquiry methods, Spora Sinergies has conducted a diagnosis of sexist behaviours occurring in the work environment in Tarragona. In addition, we have identified strategies and good practices to be implemented to avoid the reproduction of those situations. In particular, discussion groups have been held with union representatives and workers of municipal companies, suppliers of the City and private companies; in-depth interviews with experts in equality policies and prevention of sexist violence in the workplace; and biographical analysis of current legislation, protocols and reference documents. It has all been compiled in a report.

Afterwards, a participatory process has been held with representatives of the private sector and labour unions, to generate a graphic. Spora Sinergias has been in charge of coordinating the process and Inside Consultores has made the graphic design.

The graphic campaign is inspired by whatsapp conversations that reflect everyday moments detected in the diagnosis where sexist behaviour is reproduced. The objective of this campaign is to make visible and problematize normalized sexist situations, which we usually ignore but which constitute the basis of discrimination and inequality in the workplace.