The combined teams of SPORA SINERGIES and WE WORKING FOR ENVIRONMENT have returned to work in an always complex environment such as Haiti; in this case working on the development of a general methodology based on a pilot project in the neighborhood of Morne-à-Tuf (city center of Port au Prince) on the operations of “urban land subdivision” in impoverished urban settings. The pilot urban renewal project aims to carry out an operation of urban planning and land subdivision of one of the blocks in the neighborhood of Morne-à-Tuf, located in the center of the city of Port au Prince (Haiti).
This project is conceived as an example and a catalyst for sustainable rehabilitation and renovation of Morne à Tuf, proposing innovative, ambitious, sustainable and coherent solutions to the socio-urban reality of the neighborhood. Thus, the pilot operation should stand as a model for replication in the remaining blocks for urban renewal in the area.
Morne à Tuf 3 (français) (WE-SPORA) from Spora Films on Vimeo.
The main problems and challenges of the project have to do with land regularization, legal framework and financial arrangements. One of its features is the inclusion of the private sector as the main investor in the urban operation, in order to develop a replicable and sustainable model. The function of each of the actors, public and private investors, in the execution of the operation has been precisely defined. This operation is carried out in three phases. The first phase of the exploratory study focuses on the development of a detailed diagnosis of the neighborhood. The second phase includes six pre-operating to define a replicable model for urban renewal chosen studies. The third phase of implementation includes the necessary studies and operational execution of the consolidation process.