Immigration and Entrepreneurship

La Institució de les lletres Catalanes
Barcelona Public Health Agency (ASPB)
Casals Joves de Catalunya
Ajuntament d’Olesa de Montserrat
Ajuntament de Castellbell i el Vilar
Ajuntament de Torrelles de Llobregat
Santa Mònica
Spanish Society of Documentation and Scientific Information (SEDIC)
Montornès del Vallès municipality
Ivàlua – Institut Català d’Avaluació de Polítiques Públiques

This document is the first of the collection Social Inclusion Observatory (Observatori per a la inclusió Social) by Caixa Catalunya Foundation. The main point of this research is the advice process for self-employment. It means, the activities and dynamics oriented to create a business.

To manage the magnitude of the advice process for self-employment we present the experiences that entrepreneurship and immigrant people and advisory professionals had about.